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100% Grass-Fed

What does Grass-fed mean?

Are your cattle finished with grain?

Why choosing ‘Grass-Fed’ beef is more important than choosing ‘Organic’?

Why does grass-fed beef cost so much more than conventional beef?


What are the benefits of Grass-fed beef?

What is CLA?

Is your beef all-natural?

Where can I find more information about the benefits of grass-fed beef?


How are Jones Creek animals raised?

How are your animals treated?

Does Jones Creek Beef adhere to sustainable farming practices?



How is your meat processed and inspected?

Where are the cattle harvested? Is it humane?


How long can Jones Creek Beef products be stored in the refrigerator? Freezer?

What is the best way to thaw grass-fed beef?

How should I cook my grass-fed beef?

Why do some vacuum ground beef packages show color differences?


As stated by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service: “Grass and forage shall be the feed source consumed for the lifetime of the ruminant animal, with the exception of milk consumed prior to weaning. The diet shall be derived solely from forage consisting of grass (annual and perennial), forbs (e.g., legumes, Brassica), browse, or cereal grain crops in the vegetative (pre-grain) state. Animals cannot be fed grain or grain byproducts and must have continuous access to pasture during the growing season.

- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service - Grass (Forage) Fed Marketing Claim Standard (October 16, 2007, Federal Register Notice (72 FR 58631))

Jones Creek Beef promises our customers, that our animals are pastured and provided with “All Grass, All the Time”. If you are truly interested in consuming healthier and more nutritious meat, try some Jones Creek Beef today.

Jones Creek Beef promises our customers, that our animals are pastured and provided with “All Grass, All the Time”.

Keep in mind that grass-fed, and particularly grass-finished beef, is almost always preferable to certified organic. There are two primary reasons for this:

Most grass-fed cattle are fed on grasslands with limited pesticides, fertilizers, and other harmful chemicals, and the animals will never see the inside of a feedlot. Hence it’s often comparable to organic even if it’s not marked as such.

Most organic beef is still fed organic corn, which is what causes the myriad of health problems associated with eating conventionally raised beef. Grain diets create a much higher level of acidity in the animal’s stomach, in which E. coli bacteria can thrive.

The term “grass-finished” means the animals were grass-fed throughout their life. Some producers feed their cattle grass only in the beginning, and then finish them off on grains.

Grass-fed and finished beef has minimal risk of contamination compared to conventional beef due to the difference in stomach pH in the two diets. And since grass-finished animals live in clean grass pastures, this level of sanitation greatly reduce the risk of E.coli infection as well.

Why does grass-fed beef cost so much more than conventional beef?

The grain fed to feed-lot cattle is generally corn, which is a crop heavily subsidized by the US government and thus artificially extremely cheap. It is also easier to manage, move and store than hay & alfalfa.

"Corn is a mainstay of livestock diets because there is no other feed quite as cheap or plentiful: thanks to federal subsidies and ever-growing surpluses, the price of corn ($2.25 a bushel) is 50 cents less than the cost of growing it." (Pollan, 2002)

At Jones Creek Beef, we provide beautiful pasture land for our animals, so raising free range, grass-fed beef is more economically viable (and attractive) than producing conventional beef.

Pollan, M. (2002, March 31). Power Steer. Retrieved October 31, 2011, from Michael Pollan.com (previously published in NY Times Magazine): http://michaelpollan.com/articles-archive/power-steer

Grass-fed beef, is higher in many nutrients, vitamin E, beta carotene, omega-3, and contains three to five times more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a healthy fatty acid that’s health benefits include:

According to a comprehensive 2009 study conducted by the USDA and researchers at Clemson University in South Carolina*, grass-fed beef is better for human health than grain-fed beef in 10 different ways:

• Lower in total fat
• Lower in those saturated fats commonly linked with heart disease
• Higher in Beta-carotene
• Higher in Vitamin E (Alpha-tocopherol
• Higher in B-Vitamins – Thiamin and Riboflavin
• Higher in Minerals – Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium
• Higher in Total Omega-3 healthy fatty acids
• Higher in healthy ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids (1.65 vs4.84
• Higher in Vaccenic acid (which can be transformed into CLA – Conjugated Linoleic Acid)

*S.K. Duckett et al, Journal of Animal Science, (published online) June 2009, “Effects of winter stocker growth rate and finishing system on: III. Tissue proximate, fatty acid, vitamin and cholesterol content.”

Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are a family of at least 28 isomers of linoleic acid found especially in the meat and dairy products derived from grass-fed animals. CLA is best known for its anticancer properties, researchers have also found that the cis-9, trans-11 form of CLA can reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease and help fight inflammation*.

*Tricon S, Burdge GC, Kew S et al (September 2004). "Opposing effects of cis-9,trans-11 and trans-10,cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid on blood lipids in healthy humans". Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 80 (3): 614–20. PMID 15321800.
*Zulet MA, Marti A, Parra MD, Martínez JA (September 2005). "Inflammation and conjugated linoleic acid: mechanisms of action and implications for human health". J. Physiol. Biochem. 61 (3): 483–94. doi:10.1007/BF03168454. PMID 16440602.

Our animals are raised the way nature intended. We never administer synthetic growth hormones or steroids of any kind. No sub-therapeutic antibiotics have been fed or administered as a supplement in feed or water for the purpose of growth promotion. When it is time to harvest our animals, there is minimal processing and no artificial ingredients added.

For additional information and research about the Health Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef visit www.eatwild.com and www.csuchico.edu/grassfedbeef.

We provide our animals with constant access to grass pasture and safe, clean living conditions:

• Fresh air
• Direct Sunlight
• Open Grazing
• Exercise
• Freedom of movement
• Reduction of Stress

Our animals NEVER see the inside of a cage.

We never administer synthetic growth hormones or steroids of any kinds; no sub-therapeutic antibiotics have been fed or administered as a supplement in feed or water for the purpose of growth promotion - as a result, all of our animals are healthy and content, exhibiting the behaviors intended by nature.

As stewards over these animals, we take great care in ensuring all grass-fed standards are met. Our animals are moved quietly and in a relaxed manner to minimize stress.

We want you to have the peace of mind knowing that your beef is from a 100% grass-fed throughout its lifetime.

Grass-based feeding is a very efficient and ecologically sustainable method of farming. Instead of producing tons of grain for feed – which requires extensive land, fertilizer, pest management, and large equipment for cultivating, harvesting, drying, storage, and feeding – pasture-based farming lets the cows do the work. They harvest, fertilize, and feed themselves, overseen by the farmer in a carefully managed system. The net result is significantly less fuel consumption, less erosion, less air and water pollution and greater soil fertility. The animals also get to live a natural life outdoors, grazing off the land as they were intended to.

Most importantly, this natural and harmonious way of raising animals also leads to superior food product.

We take great care to treat our cattle humanely. They are very important to us and so we treat them as such.

We try to minimize the stress upon our animals when moving and working them. We move our cattle quietly and in a relaxing manner on horseback. This helps us minimize stress.

Stress can cause sickness in the cattle and ultimately affect the overall quality of the flavoring of the beef.

Yes. We use a ROTATIONAL GRAZING METHOD that is much healthier for the land and for the livestock than traditional methods of grazing. This method allows our cattle to only be on a small section of land for an abbreviated period of time instead of letting the cattle use one larger pasture over an extended period of time.

It also helps the land because it allows the grass a longer rest period, thereby sustaining a more healthy growth pattern for the various grasses. This method provides the cattle with fresh grass and with the essential healthy minerals that can only be derived from grazing on fresh vegetation.

We strongly believe that everything that we do must be beneficial and sustainable for our livestock AND the land.

Our meat is processed and inspected at USDA facilities.

Jones Creek Beef is harvested at USDA inspected facilities, and where humane practices are followed. We take great care to treat our cattle humanely. They are very important to us and so we treat them as such.

All our beef has an expiration date on the packaging and we suggest you eat it before that date. If you freeze the meat it should be good up to one year.

Please visit our "Preparation" page.

Grass-fed beef is best cooked rare to medium-rare – and it doesn’t take long to cook. If you like your beef well-done, try cooking it at a lower temperature in a sauce or marinade to add moisture. Another technique is to butterfly the cut of meat (cut the steak in half).

Please visit our "Preparation" page.

Beef has a red color because it has oxygen in it. When meat is vacuum sealed the oxygen is removed and thus it does not have as bright of red color. As soon as oxygen is allowed into the meat its natural red color will return.